Craig Emerson Economics Joins the ACBC

Six months ago Craig Emerson was representing Australia in Paris, chairing an OECD meeting on the Asian Century and hectoring key member countries of the World Trade Organization on the necessity of opening up their markets in the long-running global trade talks.

Now the former Australian Trade Minister and Minister for Tertiary Education is working with business clients as Managing Director of Craig Emerson Economics Pty Ltd, one of the newest members of the Australia China Business Council.

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Story Club - Don't Mention the War

This story was written for the Story Club, a Sydney story-telling group that meets monthly in a pub in Surry Hills. It is a story told through the eyes and in the words of my Dad, based on a diary he kept as a Prisoner of War during World War II. Most of the war years story words are verbatim from the diary, which I have kept and intend giving to the Australian War Memorial.

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Column in The Weekend Australian - High Aussie Dollar Threatens Jobs & Budget

AUSTRALIA'S rebounding dollar is threatening the transition from the peak of the mining boom to a more diversified economy capable of taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the Asian Century. It also helps explain why the federal government has foreshadowed deferring the mid-year economic and fiscal outlook until January as the high dollar further weakens government revenues.

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